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She closes her lips around his head and begins to suck at him. Eric’s dried cum and Ambers dried juice comes to life inside her mouth. The salty taste of old sex makes Jess even hornier. She takes more and more of his cock into her mouth. She’s never been able to deep throat a cock, but she’s never wanted a cock so deep before. She is savoring all of his cock. Her hand is still massaging his balls. She can’t help but wonder how much cum Eric has to give. He has obviously been giving plenty to. That wasn't her field and she was able to leave the detail up to Gordie and his team.She figured it would take a month to prepare a report for the board, with most of the work supplied from operations. Consequently, there was little left to do for the present, until the tender round next month.Most of her other work had been offloaded on to others and now she found herself in a wee bit of a black hole for a couple of weeks. Sam suggested she take a short holiday.It wasn't that she was averse to. Our lips parted simultaneously, and our tongues danced around. I was locked in a tender, loving embrace with my daughter in the middle of a freezing cold lake. I took my right hand from her waist and moved it up her back side, up to the nape of her neck as I pulled her in tighter to me and kissed her even harder. She fought back and kissed me with more and more passion. Soon, I could feel her left hand drop from my neck and splash into the water. There was no point in trying to stop her. My. ‘You have such sexy legs,’ The Doctor moans leaning down giving Amy’s calf a soft kiss making Amy giggle. Amy’s pretty patterned tights are ripped to shreds finally he pulls apart the waistband and drops the torn tights to the floor. Amy looks round to see her ruined clothing on the floor, her tights ripped to bits and never to be worn again. ‘You owe me a pair of tights Doctor,’ Amy teases and as they both know there roles in this sex game the Doctor doesn’t miss a bit delivering a hard spank.
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